Be a Real Make Up Artist Game

Discover all the colourful ways to apply make-up!

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1979 votes

If you liked this girls game why not try:

How to play the game "Be a Real Make Up Artist Game"?

This is Lucy. Lucy is a lovely girl who loves dressing up and playing with her make-up. She finds it really good fun to try out all sorts of different styles with her make-up - sometimes she likes to just look pretty, sometimes she likes to look outrageous, and sometimes she likes to just look plain silly! Read more

In this game for girls, you can be her make-up artist for the day, and apply whatever make-up you want! You’ll need to do her eyes, lips, skin tone, and eyeshadow, and then you can also add some accessories like a hat or some jewelery!

There are lots of fun make over games on, so why don’t you wrote "makeover" into the search box at the top of the page, and see what other games you can find!



Be a Real Make Up Artist is one of my favorites! We clearly have awesome taste! Come and play more of my fave make up games!