7 Apps Tween Girls Need In Their Life

These apps will educate you, enrich your life and make tween girls everywhere better, richer, happier people... probably.

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We thought it was high time for another round up of the best apps for tweens, teens and anyone else! So here’s Lilou with her top apps that she couldn’t live without...

1. Hakitzu: Code of the Warrior

Ever fancied making your own website? Don’t fancy learning how to code? Fret no more as this app teaches you to code and you won’t even notice you’re learning! Build your robot and then introduce it to your friends (who are obviously playing too) before hacking and destroying their robots! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

2. Jörgits and the End of Winter

I have a thing about apps that tell an adorable story and look app-solutely (sorry) beautiful at the same time and this one very much ticks that box! The theme is about the environment as we explore some very cute aliens’ impressions of planet Earth.

It doesn’t matter what age you are, this Scandinavian fairytale (did somebody say Frozen?) is an interactive story that made us feel all warm and fuzzy inside, like a cat swallowing a hairball.

3. DIY Skills For Kids

Lea, Lee and I all have our own passions and hobbies, and I’m pushing them to get involved with DIY Skills. You can learn new things from other people’s posts, or you can share cool stuff you’ve made! It can be a tomato plant you grew, a skirt you made out of your own hair or Jasmine’s palace in Agrabah on Minecradt - earn badges, share and learn!

4. Slice It!

Lee’s favorite by miles, this geometry puzzle will truly frazzle your grey matter! All you have to do is slice each shape into a specified number of parts, but you also have to make sure all the pieces are the same size. Easy enough on a square, bit trickier with an irregular dodecahedron. That’s what Lee says anyway.

5. WeHeartIt

So there was Pinterest, obviously, but now there’s WeHeartIt which is cooler, trendier and full of everything we love. Cute animals, Disney characters, inspirational quotes, memes, fashion, manicures... you get the idea. We definitely heart WeHeartIt. Make an account and follow us!

6. DuoLingo

We’ve never met anyone who didn’t want to learn another language and now those people have no excuse! DuoLingo is easy-peasy to use and always free, so pick your language and do as little (or as much, you Eager McBeaver, you!) as you like every day.

7. Band of The Day

If you’re anything like us, you’ll listen to your iPod so much that you’re always getting fed up with what’s there and desperately looking for new music. After a few months of that, you’ve scoured every ’Related Artist’ page on Spotify and you’re going in circles.

Enter Band Of The Day! This app - no prizes for guessing - presents you with a new band everyday, from a range of genres. You can rate and save your favorites too.

Some of these apps are free, some of them cost real life coins. I couldn’t live without them, but what do you think? Have we missed any awesome apps out? Tell us your favorite apps in the comments section!
