Email Santa!

Will you send your Christmas list over the net, or the traditional way?

21 votes

Ho ho ho! Christmas is almost here again, and we all know what that means: presents!!! (And also family and food and goodwill to all mankind and all that jazz, obvs.) The big day is only a few weeks away, so we’d better mail our letters to Santa Claus soon if we want to find lots of goodies in our stockings on Christmas morning!

Do you remember the first time you wrote a letter to Santa? The three of us each wrote a list of Christmas gifts as long as your arm: teddies, video games, Barbies, tea sets, yoyos, scooters, roller blades... the paper was just about bursting out of the envelope, but we popped it in the mailbox and sent it off to Santa’s Grotto in the North Pole - or is it Lapland? It’s a mystery! Either way, it must have arrived safely because we were lucky enough to find loads of exciting presents under our tree on December 25th.

Things have changed a lot since then, though! Lots of kids don’t even write their letters to Santa Claus and his elves any more; nowadays you can just grab your stylus, click your favorite toys on your tablet, cellphone or laptop, and email Santa your Christmas wishlist. Ah, the wonders of technology!

How are you or your little brothers or sisters going to write to Santa this year? Are you going to mail your Christmas list the traditional way, or email Santa telling him what a good girl you’ve been?

We must be a little too old to write letters to Santa, but there are still lots of items on our Christmas lists... if only Santa and his elves has Facebook or twitter, things would be so much easier!

Happy holidays, everybody! <3

Lilou, Lea & Lee xoxo

