Baking Strawberry Cake Game

Cook a delicious cake covered in strawberries for a family party.

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How to play the game "Baking Strawberry Cake Game"?

What’s your favorite type of cake? Carrot cake, chocolate cake, lemon cake... there’s are hundreds of different types to choose from! In today’s cooking games for girls your parents are throwing a big family party with all your relatives, and you want to surprise them by baking something really tasty. Follow the instructions in this free cooking game and you’ll soon be able to bake a delicious strawberry cake in just a few minutes! Read more

You’ll find all the ingredients and equipment you need to bake a cake in this cooking game. Just follow the instructions onscreen to cook the sponge then decorate it with cream and fresh strawberries. Bet your family will be so impressed with your cooking skills! Have fun, and keep browsing our girls’ games for more tasty recipes.



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