Barbie Dentist Game

This girl needs to start taking care of her teeth! Yuck!

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How to play the game "Barbie Dentist Game "?

Everyone knows that Barbie is super pretty. She’s got that lovely hair, bright sparkling eyes, bright skin and a great fashion sense...however, did you know that this famous doll actually has horrible teeth? Unfortunately, she spends so long working on her makeup and outfits that she often forgets to brush her teeth...eww! Read more

So today, Barbie is taking an emergency trip to the dentist, and who should she see there but you! It’s your first day at work as a celebrity dentist, and Barbie is your first customer! No pressure then. Remember girls, this girl’s face is her career, so you can’t mess up her teeth! Use all the tools to get to work. By the time you’re done, her mouth should be full of gleaming pearly whites. Now tell us, what’s Barbie really like?



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