Calorie counters Game

Calculate how many calories are in your meals!

Your game will begin in a few seconds! :)
To play these games, you will need Adobe Flash Player.
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How to play the game "Calorie counters Game"?

Girls are always wondering how to manage their weight when they’re eating particular kinds of food. Sometimes you think you’re eating balanced, healthy food and in fact the opposite is true. With this game for girls, like other free girls games, you can learn to balance your meals so that you don’t exceed a certain number of calories per meal. To play this free cooking game you must drag the food from the refrigerator directly into the plate and try to meet the goal you were set at the beginning of the game. Read more

When you think that the calories on the plate are the right number, click the button "submit" and you know if there is too much or not enough. You can correct your plate of food by removing or adding food. When you get to the end of the week with this girls game, you can see your score and compare it with that of friends who have left theirs in the comments.



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