Imagine what it would be like to take care of some tiny chicks and teach them how to fly! Well, you’ll be able to do just that in this pet game! First though, you have to take care of the egg before it hatches. That’s a big responsibility you know! First, you need to keep it warm. Read more
Rub the egg with your mouse to warm it up (hint - you don’t need to click)! When it’s the right temperature, it’s ready to hatch! Congratulations, you are now the proud mom of this adorable little creature and you can take care of it just like a Tamagotchi! You’ll have to feed it, play with it, let it sleep and pay lots of attention to it! Make sure you monitor the different gauges so that your new pet doesn’t die. So girls, how does it feel to be the parent of a virtual pet?
Care for a Virtual Egg is one of my favorites! We clearly have awesome taste! Come and play more of my fave free games!