Cat Restaurant Game

Serve fish to your hungry customers in a restaurant for cats!

Your game will begin in a few seconds! :)
To play these games, you will need Adobe Flash Player.
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112 votes

If you liked this girls game why not try:

How to play the game "Cat Restaurant Game"?

Is there anything cuter than kittens?! If you’re a real cat person, you’ll love the cat games for girls on this site! You’ll get to work as a waitress in a special cat cafe, serving tasty fish to adorable pet kittens. Chasing mice and playing with balls of yarn all day is tiring work and now these cute cats are super hungry, so grab your apron and take their orders! Read more

If you’ve played restaurant games for girls you’ll have no problems serving the kittens in this cat cafe; simply select the type of fish they ask for, cook it in the oven, then serve it to them on a plate and take their payment. With your waitress skills these pets will be as happy as the cat who got the cream!



You're clearly loving Cat Restaurant - you should check out my pick of the best cat games!