Cooking Vegetable Omelette Game

Impress your family by cooking a delicious tortilla with vegetables!

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How to play the game "Cooking Vegetable Omelette Game"?

Want to try something new? You’ll find tons of great recipes in our free cooking games! Today we’re going to be making an omlette with lots of healthy vegetables - the perfect choice for a light lunch or an afternoon snack. Cooking is really easy in in our girls’ games, so let’s get started! Read more

First, cook the vegetables in a frying pan. Next, beat the eggs and add them to the pan with the onion, carrots, pepper, peas, spinach and other ingredients. Vegetable omelettes are really tasty, and they’re full of vitamins and nutrients to help you stay healthy. Hope you enjoy this free cooking game - why not try cooking an omelette at home with your parents or relatives when you’re done?



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