Create the Most Beautiful Garden Game

Create a magnificent garden thanks to all the items that need organising in this lovely game for girls!

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How to play the game "Create the Most Beautiful Garden Game"?

Like a real gardener, in this decoration game for girls you can keep your very own garden and make all the lovely flowers grow big and tall and colourful! Read more

There are all sorts of great gardening tools for you to use so that your garden will be magnificent! There are lots of tools at the bottom for you to start with - there is a trowel to make holes in the ground, then you’ll need to add some seeds into the hole. Finally you’ll have to try and grow all your plants by using water, magic powder, scissors to cut away weeds and...if the bees come they might infect your flowers and make them die, so you’ll have to be really quick to spray your plants with the pink bug spray. If you’re not quick enough though, your plants will whither and die!

Start by clicking on the right hand button, and see how beautiful your garden will be!



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