Cute Baby in the Bath Game

This baby needs a bath, fast!

Your game will begin in a few seconds! :)
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How to play the game "Cute Baby in the Bath Game"?

Isn’t Eddie just the cutest little boy you’ve ever seen!? In this free babysitting game, it’s your job to take care of him. Eddie’s parents, your next door neighbors, have never left Eddie before. They’re just too nervous to leave him with a babysitter because he can be a bit of a nightmare! Taking care of a little baby is a lot of hard work after all. Are you up to the challenge girls? Read more

Your first job in this baby game is giving Eddie a nice bubbly bath. Aww, look how much he enjoys it! Baths are important for babies as they need to keep clean, but also because they have so much fun in them! Once he’s been dried off, style his hair and choose a cute baby outfit for him to wear. His parents are going to be so happy when they see how chilled out Eddie is! Don’t forget there’s lots more free babysitting fun to be had on the site.



Cute Baby in the Bath is one of my favorites! We clearly have awesome taste! Come and play more of my fave free games!
