Doll Dress Up Game

Find a cute outfit for this pretty doll in this great dress up game!

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How to play the game "Doll Dress Up Game"?

It’s time to play dolls in today’s girls’ games! In this dress up game you’ll meet one of our absolutely favorites: Michelle. She’s a beautiful girl doll with big brown eyes and lovely long hair who really loves animals, especially kittens and bunnies. Today Michelle is leaving her doll’s house and going for a walk to the park to collect some raspberries and strawberries to make her special berry pie. Let’s find her a super cute outfit in this free dress up game! Read more

To play this dress up girl game, just click the icons on the side of the screen to change the color or style of Michelle’s top, skirt, umbrella, stockings, shoes and handbag. Like all of our dress up girl games, there are tons of different items for you to choose from. You could dress her up in a pretty pink tutu, a plaid skirt, a smart red shirt... it’s totally up to you! You can also change the color of Michelle’s beautiful long hair and her facial expression, or even add cute angel wings!



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