Dress Beyoncé in her real clothes Game

Here is Beyoncé’s real wardrobe - can you dress her up for the cover of her new album?

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How to play the game "Dress Beyoncé in her real clothes Game"?

Have you ever dreamed of becoming the stylist and designer for a big popular singer like Beyoncé? Now your dream can come true! After having made so many albums already, Beyoncé is releasing another one, and this time you’re in charge of her wardrobe for the photo shoot! She’s going to be on TV adverts too in the outfit that you choose, so it’s got to be something really special! People will see this at interviews, receptions and press conferences - the whole world will be watching! Read more

You might recognise some of the outfits already from other songs or video’s that Beyoncé has released, but there will be some that you don’t know! Just click "OK" to start the game and start your work, dressing her up - and don’t forget to add accessories! IF you’re really good maybe you’ll be her favourite designer and you can do it again! Britney Spears is also looking for a designer, so have a look at the other games on this website and see if you can find her!
