Escape from Prison Game

Paris is back in jail again, and she needs your help to escape!!

Your game will begin in a few seconds! :)
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How to play the game "Escape from Prison Game"?

Did you hear about Paris Hilton being in prison recently! In fact, it seems she’s finding it hard to stay out of prison!!! Well she really really needs your help!! Read more

To move around, just use the arrow keys on your keyboard, and then use the spacebar to do an action. Actions can be used to open doors, talk to people or pick things up for example. Then when you have the things that other people need, you can exchange them to get things that you need... Just keep going and soon you’ll have all the equipment you need, and the favours from the staff to get your way out of prison and back to freedom!



Escape from Prison is one of my favorites! We clearly have awesome taste! Come and play more of my fave celebrity games!