Farm Animal Puzzle Game

Match the pairs of horses, sheep, cats and other animals in this girl game.

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To play these games, you will need Adobe Flash Player.
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How to play the game "Farm Animal Puzzle Game"?

Guess where we’re going in today’s girls’ games? Here’s a clue: this place is home to horses, cows, sheep, pigs... That’s right, we’re going to a farm! Our friend Tammy lives on a farm with her family, but in this animal puzzle game she’s got a slight problem. The silly girl left the gates open, and now the animals are all mixed up! Can you help her match the pairs of animals in this puzzle game for girls? Read more

Pigs, cats, peacocks, mice, horses... you’ll find all sorts of animals in this girl game! Start by matching the pairs of animals that are side by side; next you can connect the cards with a space between them. Try to match all the pairs before the time runs out to move onto the next level. Good luck, and check out the surprise section for more animal games and puzzle games!



You're clearly loving Farm Animal Puzzle - you should check out my pick of the best farm games!
