Do you dream of living in a fairytale land full of unicorns, centaurs and other magical creatures? If so, you’re sure to love the Filly Unicorn toys! These adorable little horses come in lots of different colors, each with its own princess tiara and a special magical horn. In this game you’ll meet Nina, a very lucky girl who has her own pet unicorn! Read more
Nina and her pet unicorn Samuel go everywhere together... she even takes him into work! In this unicorn dress up game you’ll get to choose an outfit for this lucky girl as she rides her pet into the office. You can even change the color of Samuel’s coat, tail, mane and horn to make him look like your favorite Filly Unicorn toy! Have fun, and keep browsing our girls’ games for more fun with your favorite magical beings!
You're clearly loving Filly Unicorn - you should check out my pick of the best dress up games!