Pretty Flower Shop Game

We hope you don’t get hayfever from flower games!

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How to play the game "Pretty Flower Shop Game"?

Nothing looks so pretty or smells so sweet as a fresh bouquet of flowers! If you love gardening and flower arranging, this is the game for you. Meet Alicia, a very talented young florist. Her aunt owns a flower shop and has decided to let Alicia work there at the weekends. This is a great opportunity for her to improve her flower arranging skills - and yours, too! Read more

This work game gives you a choice of two different modes. In the first, you’re free to play around and create any type of bouquet that you like, using all sorts of flowers available in any combination you like. In the second mode, you’ll be challenged to create five bouquets based on your client’s orders. You’ll need to memorize the orders and recreate a minimum of three bouquets perfectly if you want to move to the next level of this flower shop game. Alicia really wants to impress her aunt, so don’t let her down!



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