Learn to be a hairdresser Game

Try out your hairdressing on the clients of this famous hair salon

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How to play the game "Learn to be a hairdresser Game"?

This is a great game that teaches you lots of different skills for being a hairdresser. First pick one of the four boys that you want to be - they are all really great hairdressers, but they all love doing very different hair styles and hair cuts for their customers! When you have picked one of the boys, you can then choose which hair style you want to do! Again, just click on the one you’d like to try. Then there are three stages to the hairstyle. First you need to take the scissors and cut the girls hair. You’ll need to keep cutting until the "NEXT" arrow under the mirror starts flashing - that means you’re finished cutting! Read more

The next stage is to colour the hair, so just click on the colour that you want to dye her hair, and then click on the part of the hair that you want to add the colour to. Finally you’ll have the option to straighten the hair (thats the can of hairspray) or to plat the hair (thats the rollers). Be careful here though because this is the trickiest part: you have to make sure you plat and straighten the right parts!!! If you like this, there are lots of other hairdressing and styling games for girls on our website, so have a look through our "surprises" games section and see what else you can find!



Learn to be a hairdresser is one of my favorites! We clearly have awesome taste! Come and play more of my fave free games!