Little Mermaid Educational Game

Ariel is in trouble again! Can you help her out?

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How to play the game "Little Mermaid Educational Game"?

It’s everyone’s favorite little mermaid, Ariel! In this spot the difference Disney game, Ariel needs your help. You see, Sebastian has told Ariel off for having her head in the clouds. He says she needs to get in back in the water where it belongs! Ariel will be allowed to go off on her own again once she uses her brain and spots all the differences. The problem is though, Ariel is so easily distracted. She can’t keep her attention on one task when there are so many cool things around her to be explored! So, can you help her in this Little Mermaid celebrity game? Read more

When you spot a difference, click on it on the right hand side of the screen. You’ll need to look really closely if you want to see them all. It sure is hard being an underwater princess sometimes! Well, they do say that the seaweed is always greener in somebody else’s lake. Do you like Ariel? Do you think it really is better down where it’s wetter?



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