Pet Store Slacking Game

Sarah’s at it again, this time with animals!

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How to play the game "Pet Store Slacking Game"?

Do you remember Sarah? This girl really can’t make her mind up when it comes to working, and she’s always changing her job. Today in this free girls’ game, she has got a part-time job in the pet shop looking after different animals. But, as usual, all she wants to do is slack off and have fun with the animals. Sigh, not again Sarah! She’s going to need your help in this free game to get away with slacking off. Read more

Why? Because she doesn’t want to get caught by her boss! Help Sarah brush a cat, walk a dog and even paint a snake in this pet work game! She has some strange ideas, but you’ll have some great fun in this free slacking game! We do wish Sarah would knuckle down and do some hard work once in a while though, don’t you? Hmm, do you think you would ever like to work in a pet shop? Tell us in the comments!



You're clearly loving Pet Store Slacking - you should check out my pick of the best work games!