Pretty Cure Game

Dress up one of the girls from Pretty Cure!

Your game will begin in a few seconds! :)
To play these games, you will need Adobe Flash Player.
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357 votes

If you liked this girls game why not try:

How to play the game "Pretty Cure Game"?

The Pretty Cure series is a Japanese series about some anime, or manga girls. Pretty cure games are a fun thing to play if you like the pretty cure girls, like the ones in Heartcatch Pretty Cure. You can dress up this cute-looking character! Read more

Girls dress up games are all about being creative, so if that sounds like you, then go to our dress up games section where you can dress up Pretty Cure girls, celebrities, animals... just about anyone! There are lots of games to play here if you like Pretty Cure games!



You're clearly loving Pretty Cure - you should check out my pick of the best dress up games!