This time last week, Cindy was a poor servant girl selling fruit in the market to make a living, but now her life has turned around, it’s just like a fairytale! When Prince Button went on a journey to town, he couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she was. He just knew she was the girl he wanted to marry! In this free make up game for girls, you have to help Cindy live her dream wedding by giving her a wedding beauty makeover that will make her look like the beautiful princess she is about to become. Read more
Long, flowing locks are a must for a princess, and just look at all the styles and colors there are to choose from! Then there’s her make up; blusher, mascara, eye shadow, lipstick and more. Now what’s missing? Oops, her clothes! Will she go classic and traditional with white frills, or a bit more adventurous with a red dress? The choice is yours, just make sure Cindy looks fit for a prince in this free make up girls’ game! Now I guess it’s time for this beautiful Princess Bride to go off to the castle...good luck Cindy!
Princess Bonnie Dress Up is one of my favorites! We clearly have awesome taste! Come and play more of my fave make up games!