Quad biking isn’t just for boys you know! In fact, Lila is a girl who is great at this tricky sport. She loves showing off her skills to her friends, and can’t wait to practise every day after school. In this game, she’s trying out for the world championship! She has to pass some challenges before entering...can you help her? Read more
Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to control Lila’s bike. The up arrow will make the motorbike go faster, and the space bar will make her jump. Quad biking is a pretty intense sport, don’t you think? Playing this game is a great way to see what it’s like if you want to try it out for real. Do you think you could ever be as good as Lila?
Quad Biking for Girls is one of my favorites! We clearly have awesome taste! Come and play more of my fave free games!