In girls games like this you can take a ride with Raju the Rickshaw and see Funpur town! Funpur town is full of colour and fun, flavor and characters in our girls games! It is unique in its ‘Indianness’ and universal in its appeal. In this girls game you’ll meet Raju, his friends Tina and Charlie and the whole Funpur gang; a motley collection of trucks and taxis, buses and bikes, boys and girls. Read more
All the vehicles in Raju’s gang are very colorful and bright, and thats why our newest of free girls games is this coloring in game where you need to color in some of his friends. They might be racing cars, but in Funpur, all the cars and other vehicles are great friends.
Raju the Rickshaw is one of my favorites! We clearly have awesome taste! Come and play more of my fave coloring games!