Ride my Bike Game

Come join these cute animals on a beautiful bike ride!

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To play these games, you will need Adobe Flash Player.
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How to play the game "Ride my Bike Game"?

It’s a sunny, beautiful day in the forest of Lollipop, so all the cute animals have decided to come out of their burrows and organize a fun bike ride in this free game for girls! The bikes that the animals use are super fast, what with them being magical and all, and the owners of the bikes are animals who wear clothes and talk just like people. Can you imagine such a thing!? Read more

Choose your favorite character in this animal game for girls and take your bike from one end of the rainbow to the other, up and down hills and around obstacles. Things are not as easy as they may seem though in this free animal game, because the clock is always ticking and there are lots of different levels to beat. Use your arrow keys to steer and move your animal’s bike as fast as you can. Don’t forget to collect the pretty flowers too! Ready, get set, GO!



Ride my Bike is one of my favorites! We clearly have awesome taste! Come and play more of my fave free games!