Run a restaurant Game

Keep your customers happy, and the food tasty!

Your game will begin in a few seconds! :)
To play these games, you will need Adobe Flash Player.
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How to play the game "Run a restaurant Game"?

In our newest of restaurant games, you need to do your best to run this restaurant with only the chef to help you. When your customers arrive, place them at a table and wait for them to make an order. When they have chosen what they want to eat or drink, click on the item in the menu so that the chef can start to make it. Read more

When each item is ready, take it quickly to your customer, but don’t forget to collect their money when they leave. Keep children happy by giving them a balloon in later levels, and think quickly to deal with more and more customers, with more complicated orders!



You're clearly loving run a restaurant - you should check out my pick of the best cooking games!
