Santa Claus Catapult Game

See How far you can catapult big old fat santa claus...without falling down the hole!

Your game will begin in a few seconds! :)
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141 votes

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How to play the game "Santa Claus Catapult Game"?

It’s Christmas time again, but OH NO! Santa Claus has been caught on the wrong side of a big hole in the ice, and all of his presents and his reindeer are on the other side! He needs to get over, and fast! You need to try to catapult Santa as far over the other side as you can! (and if you get a really high score you can even register it!!!) Read more

Just click on the catapult to start it moving, and then click and hold again to pull back the catapult. Then just let go when you’re ready to throw! Don’t pull him back too far though or you’ll have to start again. You need to try to time it just perfectly so that you let go just when he gets to the hole!



Santa Claus Catapult is one of my favorites! We clearly have awesome taste! Come and play more of my fave free games!