For free online games, you’ll need to play with the characters in the cartoon "Scooby Doo". Scooby and his friends decided to create a photo album of all their adventures. For this, you will need help because they can not hunt monsters or ghosts while taking photos. For each picture that you take in the girls game, you have a background image that will appear on the right, and you’ll be able to scroll through objects or cartoon characters. To add to the photo, you must add these items using your mouse to drag them anywhere you want. Once placed on the background image, you’ll be able to rotate, return, expand and shrink the object or character that you have chosen. You can even put multiple images. Read more
When the photo is ready, you’ll have to click on the camera at the bottom right of this fun game to see the result displayed in the album. You’ll then be able to print these pictures to keep and show to all your girlfriends.