Felicity is the Autumn Fairy. Did you know that it’s her who makes the leaves fall from the trees? When summer ends, she wakes up from her long sleep and flies through the parks and forests, shooting wind from her fingertips. Everywhere Felicity has been has golden air and orange colors on the ground. Her favorite game is making the leaves scatter across the floor so that they crunch when they’re stepped on. Ah, fall is a beautiful season! Read more
So, what mood is this magical creature in today? Well, fall is a season that likes to grab your attention, and this is how Felicty feels about fashion too. What will you dress her up in? A pink or multicolored tutu, a blue tunic, a flowery dress or maybe a brown skirt? With just a simple magical gesture, this fairy girl could have indigo, blonde or fiery red hair. You can even change the color and shape of her wings! Now girls, tell us, do you believe in fairies..?
You're clearly loving The Autumn Fairy - you should check out my pick of the best fairy games!