The Dog Nail Salon Game

Miss Fluffy needs some TLC!

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How to play the game "The Dog Nail Salon Game"?

Eugh, what has happened to Miss Fluffy’s nails!? She’s been playing out for too many days now without getting a bath, so her nails are chipped, dirty and sore! There are even a few fleas hanging out underneath them...eww. This calls for a trip to the Dog Salon! Miss Fluffy loves going here, and she could do with some cheering up. First, tweeze away the fleas and cut the nails, then scrub them and paint a pretty design on them. The final touch? Dress her up so she’s back to her lovely glam self. Fleas be gone!



The Dog Nail Salon is one of my favorites! We clearly have awesome taste! Come and play more of my fave nail games!