Ahoy there, matey! Arrrr ye ready for an adventure? In this girls’ game you’re going to meet a sea-faring, rum-drinking, swashbuckling pirate, just like Long John Silver, Jack Sparrow or the Pirate Captain! Pirate Captain is the star of ’The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists’, an exciting tale of a group of fearsome sea bandits fighting their rivals for the Pirate of the Year award. Their pirate adventure takes them from the shores of Blood Island to London town - they even come across Charles Darwin and Queen Victoria! We have a great surprise game for all your pirate girls out there, so let’s get started - all aboard! Read more
Shiver me timbers! This pirate game for girls is lots of fun, but a bit tricky! You’ll be playing with Captain Skyro, a peg-legged and patch-eyed pirate who has been at sea a little too long. Cabin fever has sunk in, and in this pirates game he’s convinced he can climb up into the sky. Luckily he has his loyal parrot Polly and a girls’ games expert like you to save him! To play this surprise game for girls, you need to direct Captain Skyro from one peg to the next so he can climb upwards; use your mouse to aim, then let go to fling him into the air. Make sure he doesn’t fall, or you’ll lose a pirate life! If you liked ’The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists’, you’ll love this pirate girl game. Make sure you check out the rest of the girls’ games on the site for many more nail-biting pirate adventures!
The Pirates In an Adventure with Scientists is one of my favorites! We clearly have awesome taste! Come and play more of my fave adventure games!