Valentine Cupcakes Game

Bake red velvet cupcakes for the one you love!

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How to play the game "Valentine Cupcakes Game"?

At the beginning of the year we always mark this special day in our calenders...Valentine’s Day! Flowers, chocolates, candy, cards gifts and fabulous dates with our guy, what’s not to love!? It seems everybody has a plan for this special day, no matter how small it may be. If you’re still waiting for that special someone to ask you out, why not take initiative yourself by making plans with a simple recipe in this cooking game for girls? Read more

Imagine this: a nice dress, perfect make up, a film session, a short stroll through the nicest park in the city and... home made Valentine’s cakes for tea! With this girls’ cooking game, learn to bake cakes for Valentine’s Day that are so pretty and delicious, your boyfriend will never forget your date. The sponge is red, so he’s sure to know how much you love him! They’re fun to bake too; use frosting and then decorations of hearts, teddy bears, ribbons, colored balls and many combinations! You must be an expert cook after playing this girls’ cooking game, so make sure you check out more cooking games on the site for baking fun.



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