Waitress Fashion Game

Dress up this waitress in a fashionable uniform before she serves her customers.

Your game will begin in a few seconds! :)
To play these games, you will need Adobe Flash Player.
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How to play the game "Waitress Fashion Game"?

What do you want to be when you grow up? If you’re not sure yet, why not try out some jobs in our girls’ games and get some ideas about what career you might like to have? Today you’ll meet Silvia, a pretty girl who started working as a waitress just a few weeks ago. She’s already a real pro! The only problem is her uniform: it’s a little boring, a Silvia is the sort of girl who loves fashion. Come and help her find something a little more exciting in this job! Read more

If you love fashion as much as Silvia, you’ll be great at this waitress dress up game! Check out all the coolest items and uniforms on offer here and make sure she looks super fashionable for her shift tonight.



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