Zayn Malik One Direction Quiz Game

Think you know Zayn Malik? This One Direction quiz will test your obsession!

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How to play the game "Zayn Malik One Direction Quiz Game"?

Are you obsessed with One Direction? If you’re crazy about Zayn, Harry, Niall, Louis and Liam, it’s time to prove your knowledge in this fun quiz! Today we’ll be testing your devotion to One Direction with a few questions all about Zayn. Come and prove you’re his Number 1 fan in this fun girls’ game. Read more

Do you know what Zayn’s favorite color is? Or what his sisters are called? What’s his favorite song? If you know everything there is to know about the Bradford boy, you’re sure to ace this One Direction quiz! Good luck, and keep an eye out for more One Direction games on the site soon!



Zayn Malik One Direction Quiz is one of my favorites! We clearly have awesome taste! Come and play more of my fave one direction games!